Monday, July 27, 2009

One Week To Go!

One week from today we will check into the MTC. Are we ready? No, we are not!!! The most important jobs are at the top of the list and what gets done, gets done and the rest will be left to someone else. We have enjoyed these last few weeks with family. I am certainly glad that we have become fluent on skype because I intend to use it often. We do not speak in church until the 9th of August, after we have been to the MTC. And on the 10th of august at 4pm Bruce and I will be on an airplane that will stop for a few hours in france and then we will fly on to Hungary. so you can expect the next blog will come to you from there. Well, maybe we'll have a chance to tell you about the MTC experience. Actually I am not letting the reality of leaving mix in with the "someday we will be going" non-reality that I live by.
Learning hungarian has been a adventure! Our brains are sore. We can speak a few little things and we know most of the grammer, but knowing the grammer does not mean that you can speak. We listen to our tutors pray and struggle to understand. and they speak slowly. But I have an intense desire to learn the language and intend to hire a tutor once we are there. I will not come home until I can speak hungarian. and we have to come home as scheduled because we will not be able to stay away from our grandchildren one minute longer than that.
Seretjük! (We love you all)


  1. Enjoy speaking tomorrow. We wish we could be there. It's so exciting! You'll be continually in our prayers.

  2. Joe and NaDene got their call! They're going to be your neighbors working in the Czech Republic & Slovakia! :) Guess we know where we're headed! An Eastern European tour!
